Apr 30, 2020 | COVID-19, Regulatory Compliance
April 15, the Compliance and Registrant Regulation (CRR) Branch at the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) emailed registrants to indicate that it had enhanced and clarified its processes to lift close supervision and strict supervision terms and conditions (T&Cs)...
Apr 30, 2020 | COVID-19, Regulatory Compliance
This is the time of year when the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) usually publishes a substantive consultation paper requesting feedback on its proposed statement of priorities (SOP) for the coming fiscal year. On April 30, the OSC announced that, in light of the...
Apr 30, 2020 | Regulatory Compliance
In late March, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) submitted to the Minister of Finance amendments to National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlements (NI 24-101) to provide for a three-year moratorium on the trade match exception reporting...