Jun 27, 2024 | Client-Focused Reforms (CFRs), Investment Funds, Regulatory Compliance
Earlier this month, the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Advisory Panel (the Panel) released its annual report. The Panel is an advisory committee to the OSC, that represents the views of retail investors on policy and rule-making initiatives. Among other...
Jun 30, 2021 | Client-Focused Reforms (CFRs), News, Regulatory Compliance
On June 21, both IIROC and the MFDA published proposed guidance regarding suitability that relate to the CSA’s client-focused reforms. IIROC’s Proposed Guidance on Know-your-client and Suitability Determination, applicable to investment dealers and their...
Jun 30, 2021 | Client-Focused Reforms (CFRs), Regulatory Compliance
As the June 30th deadline for the “part one” of the Client Focused Reforms passes us in the rear-view window and we go and enjoy our long weekend, we wanted to highlight some high-level considerations for “part two”. This “part two” mainly deals with the KYC/KYP and...
Sep 30, 2020 | Investment Funds, Regulatory Compliance
On September 17, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published final rule amendments (Amendments) to National Instrument 81-105 Mutual Fund Sales Practices (NI 81-105) and certain other instruments to prohibit: The payment of trailing commissions by members...