In this bulletin:

  1. OSC Releases Hot Strategic Plan for 2024-2030
  2. Experimenting with Flavours and Exemptions – Supporting Early-Stage Ontario Businesses
  3. Charred and Charted – Did CRM2 Work?

In Brief: Grilling of Disclosure – Is it Clear and Conspicuous Enough?  ▪  Annual BBQs, Annual OSFI Risk Outlook  ▪  Firing up Consumer Protections: FSRA Panel Releases Report  ▪  Flame Broiled: CIRO’s Proposed Integrated Fee Model

Important Reminders: BBQ RAQ Due June 19  ▪  Grill Masters: AUM Training for Registrants Available

BLG Resource Corner

Click the link to access a PDF of our full, monthly bulletin summarizing these recent developments. >> AUM Law Bulletin | BBQ Season Edition | May 2024