On May 20, the CSA proposed amendments to NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations in order to streamline and clarify continuous disclosure requirements for reporting issuers other than investment funds. The proposed amendments would include consolidating the MD&A form with the AIF form and financial statements into new annual and interim disclosure statements. The proposed amendments would eliminate some disclosure requirements found to be duplicative or redundant, such as the current MD&A requirement to disclosure summary information for the last 8 quarters, as that information can be located in previous filings. A few new requirements are proposed to be added to address perceived gaps in disclosure as well. The final amendments are expected to be effective December 15, 2023 and various transition provisions have been proposed. The CSA expects the amendments will streamline reporting and increase reporting efficiency for reporting issuers while increasing the quality of the disclosure for investors. Of particular interest, at the same time the CSA has proposed a framework for future consideration that would allow venture issuers (on a voluntary basis) to report semi-annually instead of quarterly, if they are not SEC issuers and provide alternative disclosure for interim periods where financial statements and MD&A are not being filed. The comment period on the proposals close on September 17, and we expect that market participants will want to review the extensive changes closely.

May 31, 2021